The Consequences of Anger
Article by Clinical Psychologist, Patricia Robertson
Chronic and unresolved anger impacts on every aspect of your life, often with devastating consequences, not only for you, but also for those closest to you - the people you love and need the most. Angry people tend to be more lonely and disconnected from others, have less support from friends and family, and are less satisfied with life. One of the best predictors of marital satisfaction is how people learn to handle conflict and anger. Reflect on the following questions to assess the personal costs of your anger.
The Personal Costs of My Anger
- How has my anger affected my work relationships (include jobs lost or jeopardised)?
- How has my anger affected my relationships with my family of origin (parents, siblings, extended family)?
- How has my anger affected my marriage or intimate/romantic relationships?
- How has my anger affected my children?
- How has my anger affected my friendships (include lost and strained friendships)?
- How has my anger harmed people who are not my family or friends?
- How has my anger affected my health and physical well-being?
- How has my anger endangered me (reckless driving, physical fights, hurting myself by hitting things)?
- If I do nothing to change my anger, what will my life look like in 1 year? In 5 years? How will I feel about myself?
If you would like to learn more about The Consequences of Anger or if you would like to make an appointment, Patricia can be contacted by email.
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